This new puzzle is a collab from two of our favorite constructors and friends, Will Eisenberg and Norah Sharpe. This idea was born from the chat during our own Twitch stream (see below).

Here’s what Will and Norah have to say about this puzzle:

From Will: “This is a fun puzzle!”

From Norah: “Will is a solid constructor whose work I always enjoy, so as soon as he suggested this idea I jumped at the chance to work with him – as you can see! He served up some great entries for me to play with, and I love the puzzle we built together. When you’re finished with this one, please check out Will’s guest midi on my site. Big thanks to Steve and Rose for test solving. Thanks, as always, to Crossweird for hosting and streaming!”

Thank *you*, Will and Norah! See if you can figure out who did which half and leave your guess in the comments below. Enjoy!

[Fullscreen solve]

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