~ACROSS&DOWNºIŸ²öû»M|1.4...BRB...BREED.SAIDNOEPISODELATKES.FREES...EDT......---...-----.-------------------.-----...---...By Amanda Rafkin - Wednesday, June 21, 2023© 2023, Andrews McMeel Universal"hold on, about to put up an away message but we'll talk more in a sec"Meat often served at PassoverHas another go at___ the truth (fibs a little)Abyssinian, Bombay, American Shorthair, or Maine Coon, e.g.Deliberately annoyed"___ a deer, a female deer ..."Declined/, in bowlingShow piece?Christmas ___ (creature first introduced in a short story by Louisa May Alcott)Potato pancakes commonly served at Hanukkah mealsUncagesTime zone for the NYC Pride March