©ÒACROSS&DOWNFH¸é4Ñ1.4 MITTS.CPAGREET.OUTMANDALORE...TREES..USA.ODE..SPLIT...DARKSABERAGE.ERIVOBEE.EDGED-----.--------.------------...-----..---.---..-----...------------.--------.-----By May Huang - Friday, May 19, 2023Edited by David Steinberg© 2023, Andrews McMeel UniversalBaseball gloves"Creed III" studio401(k) alternativeFirst number in a countdownMany a popular lecture on YouTubePart of a constellationFinancial proMade dove noisesHandbagFeastedSay hello to___ and about"Star Wars" planet that's home to the MythosaurGymnast's uniformThey may be planted on Earth DayChloe Kim's Olympic teamData ___ (phone bill phrase)Shopping ___Poetic tributeDivide"Understood""Star Wars" weapon named for its black blade and traditionally wielded by the leader of 11-AcrossApply with a cotton swabMajorNight before a holidayFishing poleWhat candles on a cake may representCynthia ___ ("Harriet" actress)Busy insectDouble-___ sword