tÙACROSS&DOWNHª¯ QK¢·1.4THE..BYEREX..LEGIMTRYING..EYES....RATS..JENNIFERUVA..USEGEL..LED---..------..-----------..----....----..-----------..------..---By Erik Agard - Thursday, February 16, 2023© 2023, Andrews McMeel UniversalFirst word of many titlesOne of the T's in TNTBottom of a jacketOuterLast word of some conversationsOn cloud nineKyoto currency___ drop soupTyrannosaurus ___Part of a table or a race"Clearly you missed my look of intense concentration and the beads of sweat on my forehead""Black Panther" director CooglerAbominable snowman"___ on the Prize"Animals blamed (incorrectly?) for a 14th-century plagueTV talk show host ___ HudsonContainer of ciderName that sounds like YvesSuffix in many demonyms___ Panda, stage name of unicyclist Rong NiuCharlottesville school, for shortExertWord before "pen" or "pedicure"Was ahead