4ACROSS&DOWNöI©¶u·OѺ1.4 ...BED.....FARES...JOCASTA.BOOKSMARTANTS.ORCATESTSITES.SPOONED...ARMED.....YES......---.....-----...-------.-------------.-------------.-------...-----.....---...By Rafael Musa - Friday, April 14, 2023Edited by Amanda Rafkin© 2023, Andrews McMeel UniversalIt's often made in the morningHistory of a fictional characterTaylor Swift's The ___ TourMidwestern city home to Drake UniversityPublic transit feesDevice that soothes the sole?BeganWife (and mother!) of Oedipus"Daisy ___ & The Six" (Taylor Jenkins Reid novel)Followed a curved pathEducated, but not necessarily well-equipped for lifeAthletic club?Some graduate student instructors, for short"Carpenter" insectsBlack-and-white ocean predatorAreas for experimentation"You win ___, you lose ___ ..."Cuddled, in a way"Miss Congeniality 2: ___ and Fabulous""I'm down!"