K†ACROSS&DOWNćK®;»§T­<1.4 NSALT..MESAS.ARDOROREO.FARINA.WHILEDINNERPARTY.OYVEYADSITE....ALLME.....CHEF.HAHA.EBBSFARSI.ARAB.MASALAALE.CARIBBEAN.RUGNODISC.BIAS.DOSESGERM.MAST.CARP.....INSET....LETSUPLEVEL.ONOFFSWITCHALEXA.MADEDO.COLADIRTY.SHEER..SPAT----..-----.---------.------.----------------.-----------....-----.....----.----.---------.----.---------.---------.---------.----.---------.----.----.....-----....-----------.----------------.------.---------.-----..----Two-State Solution - Saturday, January 14, 2023By David Steinberg© 2022, Andrews McMeel UniversalWord after "rock" or "road"Mixer with scotchIn need of rainEye part behind the irisMixers with ginsFlat-topped hillsTreasure seeker's chartModern ___ (present time)Round Table titleInsect in a tunnelLet the doctor see your throatEnthusiasmMissing from an army base (Abbr.)"Hair" and "care," e.g.Places with cheap drinksSpanish cheer"The Rise of Skywalker" heroineCookie with a Pumpkin Spice varietyCream of Wheat productGratisDuringEvening gatheringStudy of right and wrongYiddish lamentSpammy web page100% my doingDalai ___You might ask one what's cookingA long way off"Good joke!"What a parent may encourage a child to break"Dancing Queen" bandFlows backColor with a midnight shadeSinks from pressurePersian languageVampire's toothBurn sootherPart of the Texas/Oklahoma borderDubai resident, oftenUmbrella supportsChai flavoring2020 candidate YangBritish beerAntigua and Barbuda's regionTip-topUpper-left PC keySweep it under the ___DVD player error messageLine of succession?News show's leaningAmounts of medicineField with light coursework?Hand sanitizer targetPirate flag's poleHe and I, e.g.Fish such as koiIn additionHawaii, maybe, for a U.S. mapKill, as a dragonBecomes less intenseBus route partBruins' Golden State sch.Excellent, in '90s lingoLike an even playing fieldScottish boyCassius Clay portrayer GoreeDevice whose positions are symbolized by I/O, and a hint to the circled squares (solving note: enter the first option)"Uh-uh"Celebratory poemDoctor's ___ ($50 Monopoly charge)1933-1945 POTUSAmazon Echo's voiceManaged to get byCherry ___ (soft drink)Like smudged glassesComplete and utterLovers' argumentGEXTÝ@E€€€€