jGACROSS&DOWNÚKc)›)N 1.4LBAH.ASHES..GARBARI.CHILI.SOLARTIGHTENDS.LOOFAHAHA.ADE.SIGHTS..FLYFIRSTCLASSOLIVE...LAKE...RAVENS.OAK.STOPAVE.SICKBED.ERALAST.XES.SOCCER...HUED...TAHOEFIREBREATHERS..ADAGES.LEO.PALSSENOR.BOSSLEVELTADA..INSTA.VIASLOT..BEAST.YAP---.-----..-------.-----.--------------.---------.---.------..------------------...----...------.---.-------.-------.-------.---.------...----...------------------..------.---.---------.-------------..-----.-------..-----.---Awesome! - Saturday, December 9, 2023By Taylor Johnson & Matthew Stock. Edited by Kelsey Dixon.© 2023, Andrews McMeel Universal"___ humbug!" (Dickensian exclamation)Rub-a-dub-dub localeTenor's time to shineAlternatives to fist bumpsAfterburn-ers?Part of a musicalBundle of grainLanguage spoken in Uttar PradeshRespected community memberPalindromic family nicknameDudsLooks upImportant word in Hawaiian cultureSome river ridesOrchestra sectionNPR reporter ShapiroDog topper___ flareNeatAwesome finales!?Split in twoScrub-a-dub item in a tubiMessage laughter reactionGator tail?Spots on a tourist mapVampire slayersAwesome start to the school day!?DesiresMarble ___ (ice cream company named after its countertop preparation style)Classic martini garnishSpoken aloudPixar short about volcanoes in lovePlacid, for exampleBlack birdsPhilly hoopstersHardy table materialGreenlights"Don't go any further!"Happily left to one's own devices?Chocolaty cheesecake optionRemove the rind from"___ Maria"Awesome vegetable garden!?Give up___ on (shower with affection)"Villain ___" (period of rejecting people-pleasing expectations)Like the cabooseSuperlative often used for Serena and JordanSome tic-tac-toe lettersAmerican football?___ diemTonedLyft alternativeCalifornia city home to "America's Most Beautiful Bike Ride"Awesome rest breaks!?Observes Yom Kippur, for exampleJust perfectJust some guySolo"Thor: Love and Thunder" actress ThompsonHas guestsClichéd sayingsZodiac sign for some August babiesClose friendsPrincess and Rebel Alliance leaderDirective in the card game "Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza""Mister," in SpanishAwesome measuring tool!?Marathoner's IDBack muscle, for shortFanfare heard at a magic showPic sharing app owned by MetaBy way ofWord after "time" or "mail"___ mode (aggressively competitive persona)Chatter