¤ACROSS&DOWNšIuqĮ±}˙B1.4..FARCE..MANCALABADDATESLYE..TVSIOS..RAEPROPBETS.SUEBEE...TICS....-----..------------------..------..-----------.------...----..By Amanda Rafkin - Thursday, March 9, 2023© 2023, Andrews McMeel Universal"The Play That Goes Wrong" genreSlowly disappears"Drive Here ___ Devastate Me" (Megan Falley book)Record label for SzaClimbing structures that might have scratching postsLift upAncient stone-capturing gameCity officialsObnoxious peopleYou might get out of them by having friends call you with a fake emergencyJust a ___ on the radarCaustic cleanserFixtures on the backs of some airplane seatsApple core?Issa who will appear in Greta Gerwig's "Barbie" film"Length of the national anthem" and "first player to record a basket" e.g.Eskenazi Museum of Art architect I.M.London-based broadcasterBig name in honeySome muscle spasms