΢ACROSS&DOWN6Hϝw81.4 OWNS.NYT.LOOP.IOUSEMMA.GUNK.BIRTHDAY..NEATO..CHATBOTS.DELI.WHATCALM.LAVA.DYE.STEP----.---.----.--------.----.--------..-----..--------.----.--------.----.---.----by Rafael Musa - Friday, October 6, 2023Edited by Kelsey Dixon 2023, Andrews McMeel UniversalHasCry at Maracan StadiumUterusTechnically, but not really in practiceWhen to focus on your hobbiesNewspaper whose crossword gets progressively more challenging from Monday to Saturday (Abbr.)Opposite of morning people"Be my guest!"Fish with a bluefin variety"Keep me in the ___!"Debt slipsWhere to see comets"When ___ Falls in Love" (Taylor Swift song)Gross gooOctober 6, for this puzzle's constructorInternet browser unit"Swell"AI programs designed to simulate conversation with usersOrg. that employs epidemiologistsOral sex, colloquiallyCommand+S, on an Apple computerWhere to get cold cuts"Is this for real?!"Indicate interest on GrindrUnlike me when I realize I slept through a work meetingThe floor, in a furniture-hopping parlor gameChange the color ofOne ___ at a time